Can you eat raw fish fillets during menstruation?


Can you eat raw fish fillets during menstruation?

No. It is best to not eat raw fish during menstruation, because raw fish is seafood, belong to cold food, menstrual consumption is easy to aggravate dysmenorrhea. And during menstruation, women's body is relatively weak, eating raw food is easy to cause indigestion, so it is not recommended to eat raw fish tablets during menstruation.

Who can't eat sashimi?

  1. Pregnant women

Pregnant women are not suitable to eat deep-sea fish, such as swordfish, tuna and so on. Due to the accumulation of food chain, the amount of heavy metals is therefore more, which may affect the brain development of the fetus.

A weak person

If you eat relatively fresh raw fish, light vomiting and diarrhea gastroenteritis, high fever, resistance to the weak, may also cause sepsis. Raw fish precautions

Eat raw fish fillets for precautions

Don't eat any freshwater fish

Freshwater fish parasites risk, to eat less / freshwater fish because freshwater river more freshwater parasites, leading to freshwater fish fish chip insect crisis, especially salmon, have a time in fresh water eggs, so parasites are greater harm, should eat as less as possible.

Don't eat too much

Raw fish slices is a cold food, excessive consumption can increase the stomach burden, serious diarrhea or stomach pain. 3. Can not eat with cold food raw fish slices itself is a cold food, it can not eat with shrimp, crab and other cold food, otherwise will increase the burden on the stomach, cause abdominal pain and diarrhea and other adverse symptoms.