Women during the menstrual period of the diet should be avoided


1, avoid raw and cold, should be warm: the motherland medicine believes that blood is hot, cold is stagnant. Menstruation period such as food raw and cold, one injury to the spleen and stomach hinder digestion, two is easy to damage the human body Yang, easy to produce internal cold, cold stagnation, can make the blood operation is not smooth, resulting in excessive blood, and even dysmenorrhea. Even in the hot summer season, menstruation should not eat ice cream and other cold drinks, diet is conducive to smooth blood. In winter can also eat some food with warm effect, such as beef, chicken, longan, wolfberry and so on.

 2. Avoid hot and sour, light: menstruation period can often make people feel very tired, digestive function, poor appetite. To maintain the need for nutrition, the diet should be made fresh. Menstrual diet in the food production should be light and easy to digest, eat less or do not eat fried, spicy and other stimulating food, so as not to affect digestion and spicy stimulation caused by too much blood.

 3. Meat and vegetable collocation, to prevent iron deficiency: women generally menstrual period each blood loss is about 30~50 ml, each milliliters contains 0.5 milligrams of iron, that is to say, each menstrual loss of 15~50 mg of iron. Iron is one of the essential elements of the human body. It not only participates in the synthesis of blood meridian protein and a variety of important enzymes, but also plays an important role in immunity, intelligence, aging, energy metabolism and other aspects. Therefore, menstrual supplements are rich in iron and conducive to digestion and absorption of food is very necessary.