Menstruation during lactation


Generally speaking, mothers come to menstruation 6-10 weeks after delivery, but there is a folk saying that menstruation during lactation, mother's breast milk will become even have a bad effect on their babies. So is it true? Does lactation period come menstruation have influence? Let's take a look.

 In fact, in lactation to menstruation, breast milk will become nutrition this is unscientific. Generally speaking, the quality of breast milk after the tenth day of postpartum until 4 months is very high. After menstruation, breast milk quality will not decline, but may become more concentrated, may also reduce secretion. Milk contains protein, fat and other quality will also change, protein content will be higher, and fat content will be reduced. Mothers can drink more boiled water during menstruation, eat more milk, fish and so on, can avoid milk concentration and composition changes.

 Therefore, generally speaking, lactating mothers come to menstruation is not too much impact on milk, mothers do not have to worry too much.

 Attention to menstruation during lactation

 Many women enter lactation after having a baby. Many people think that menstruation is not possible during lactation, but experts point out that if women come to menstruation during lactation, it is also a normal physiological phenomenon. So in the feeding period to menstruation, what matters need to be noted?

 1. postpartum lochia does not belong to menstruation

 Normally, new mothers will flow out postpartum, like menstrual blood secretion. This bleeding, mixed with multiple secretions, is commonly known as lochia.

 2. common postpartum menstrual abnormalities

 One is uninterrupted vaginal bleeding. Because the first menstruation after delivery, usually anovulation, or due to luteal induction and produce, so at this time if there is an irregular frequent small amount of bleeding or irregular, are very common things.

 Second, amenorrhea. Postpartum amenorrhea such a situation, mainly due to mother long-term lactation and postpartum hemorrhage, infection caused by Han's syndrome.

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