Breast Yoga
10 Min ute Before Sleep Breast enlargement Yoga
I . Easy Open Yoga
( 1) First of all , put your hand behind you , hold your ten fingers tightly , put away your abdomen and ribs , and do a good job of straight back preparation .
(2) took the spine to his back up , inhaled , straightened his hands back , raised the col lar bone , and took 5 ~ 1 0 breaths .
(3) slowly relaxed and maintains steady breathing , inhale again , holds his back up , hands back , col lar bone out , upper body to the right , and maintaining 5 ~ 1 0 breaths .
The (4) left is the same step , coming back to the middle and relaxing slowly .
II , Fine Upper Ar m Yoga
(1) will first relax and maintain smooth breathing , pack away your abdomen and ribs , and keep your back straight .
(2)'s first step closes the palm close to your chest .
(3) leaned his elbows together , noting that there is no gap between your arms .
( 4) Then inhale , lift your hands up , relax , and pull it up , about 5 ~ 1 0 times .