​ vitamin E


 First, thoroughly clean the face skin, dry the moisture and apply toner and lotion in turn. After all the skin care products are absorbed, take a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the vitamin E liquid onto the cotton swab. Then apply the vitamin E on your face with a cotton swab.

 Vitamin E face can play a good skin care effect, but the time to use should be right, otherwise it will only increase the burden of skin, affect skin quality.

 Vitamin E can be used at night, try to avoid use during the day. Because vitamin E itself is very greasy, if coated on the face during the day, it is easy to absorb dust in the air, increasing the burden on the skin.

 Vitamin E itself is grease, so smear on the skin will be more oily. Therefore, can not be used in large areas, and before use to thoroughly clean the face skin. If you do not wash your face directly using vitamin E face, not only can not whiten effect, but also may cause pore blockage.